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Class VI to VIII English Paragraph Writting (50-80 Words)

A student is seeker after Knowledge. It is obvious that a student's main concern is to study. They must keep aloof from all other activities. The main duty—the only duty of a student should be to study and learn. There are others who opine that a student is as much a member of a society as anybody else. As such, he must be alive to the other demands that society makes on him. A student life should be alive to the bigger problem of life. The fact is that a student of today is a citizen of tomorrow. As a future citizen every student has the duty to equip himself properly.

I am a student of class VI. I like all my subjects but English attracts me the most. Reading short stories is my favorite pastime. I want to become a store writer like Ruskin Bond. I want to write stories for children which convey a moral message in very subtle way. Children will enjoy the story and messages will slip silently in their mind. Messages should not be loud. I believe this is the best way of passing knowledge to children without preaching and very less teaching.

Collecting stamp is my hobby. I started collecting stamps when I was in class IV. I like it because stamps are like the mirrors of history. At present I have five albums full of stamps. My father encourages and helps me to collect stamps. Stamp collection has helped me to develop some ideas about the different countries of the world and also about great men all over the world. I believe no text-books on history or geography would have been able to give such familiarity.
The name of our school is Tufanganj N.N.M. High School. There are two big and beautiful buildings in our school. All the rooms are spacious and airy. More than 1200 students are studying here. It has a staff of 50 members. They teach us sincerely. There is a hostel for the students. There is a grassy field in front of our school. Students fare well in Madhyamik and Higher Secondary Examination. This brings name and fame for our school. All of us are proud of our school.

Rahul is my best/favorite friend. We live in the same village. We also read in same class and same school. Every day we go to school together. We sit side by side in our Class. We discuss our lessons and help each other. After school we play in a field near our house. He frequently comes to our home and we read together. My parents like him as much as they like me. He always stands by me in my pleasure and pain that is why I cannot think of living without him.

Every free country has a national flag of its own. India is a free country. So we have our national flag. It is rectangular in shape. It is tricolor. The top part of the flag is saffron. It stands for courage and sacrifice. The middle part is white. It stands for peace and truth. The bottom part is green. It stands for freshness, vigour and faith. In center there is a Ashoka Chakra. It stands for progress, tolerance and activity. National flag stands for symbol of the nation’s freedom, dream and ideal. We hoist it at important occasions, such as Republic Day, Independence Day etc. We all pay honour to this flag. We can sacrifice our lives for the honour of national flag. We can leave everything but we cannot give up our national flag.

Trees are very useful to man. They support the life old living things. Trees are needed for making paper, furnish and houses. They used in everything. When we breathe and burn, we produce carbon-di-oxide. Trees replace this carbon-di-oxide with oxygen. The green leaves of trees absorb carbon-di-oxide and break it up into carbon and oxygen. The leaves keep carbon-di-oxide and release oxygen for the use of living beings. Trees prevent drought and floods. Man has cut down trees in large numbers and he is cutting more and more trees. Man must stop cutting more trees, otherwise he will suffer greatly.

There are six seasons in West Bengal. They are summer, monsoon, autumn, hemanta, winter and spring. The six seasons impart great variety to nature in West Bengal. During summer, unkind sun dries up everything. But fruits like mangoes, lichis are available in this season. After summer, comes the rainy season, Monsoon. In this season, farmers sow seeds to enrich our food-basket. Autumn succeeds the rains. Butthis season does not last long. Yet, it is the season of festivals. Next comes winter. The season is marked for vegetables, flowers and picnic. Next season spring is the season of beauty and pleasure. Flowers bloom. Birds sing. Everybody is glad at the arrival of spring. Thus, every season add variety to the life of people.

The rainy season follows summer. It lasts for two months—‘Ashara and Shravana’. The sky is overcast with clouds. Sometimes it drizzles; sometimes it rains cats and dogs. Trees get fresh water. Ponds and canals are filled with water. Farmers are seen busy in the fields. Roads become full of water. Normal work generally gets disrupted. But, incessant rainfall often causes flood. It also brings some diseases with it. Common people suffer much. Crops are washed away. News of death and destruction also reach our ears. Thus, the rainy season brings hope in one hand, despair on the other. Yet, common people look forward to the happy days and wait patiently for the autumn to come.

Winter follows autumn. It lasts for a very brief period—December and January. The trees shed their leaves and look dull. The season is painful to the poor who cannot buy warm clothes. Some suffer from cold and cough. But, winter has a special appeal of its own. It is the season of fruits, flowers and green vegetables. The atmosphere is pleasant as there is neither unbearable heat nor constant rains. People enjoy picnics and excursions. Fairs are held in every district of West Bengal. The important festivals of winter are Saraswati Puja and Christmas. Those who have money enjoy the beauty of the snowfall in the hilly regions. Thus, winter is pleasant to the rich, unpleasant to the poor.

                                                     SPRING IN BENGAL
There are six seasons in West Bengal. They are summer, monsoon, early autumn, late autumn, spring and winter. It is the most beautiful and pleasant in these six seasons. Spring is a season of new hope and rebirth. The months the comprise spring are March and April. During after the cold and dreary winter, spring comes. Nature bursts into life. Flowers bloom and insects hum around with busy activity. New leaves appear on tees. Birds lay eggs and nestlings hatch out. There is celebration of life and activity everywhere. The festivals of Holi and Basanti Puja are observed in spring. It is a season of joy and renewal of life. Spring is the king of seasons.

There are six seasons in West Bengal. They are summer, monsoon, early autumn, late autumn, spring and winter. Among them my favorite season is spring. It is the most beautiful and pleasant in these six seasons. Spring is a season of new hope and rebirth. The months the comprise spring are March and April. During after the cold and dreary winter, spring comes. Nature bursts into life. Flowers bloom and insects hum around with busy activity. New leaves appear on tees. Birds lay eggs and nestlings hatch out. There is celebration of life and activity everywhere. The festivals of Holi and Basanti Puja are observed in spring. It is a season of joy and renewal of life. Spring is the king of seasons.

There are six seasons in West Bengal. Summer comes first in the cycle of seasons. Summer brings from about the month of April and lasts up to first week of June. Summer is hottest season of the year. The sun heats the earth. People cannot bear the heat. Sometimes storm and rain appear in the afternoon. It is known as ‘Kalbaisakhi’. In summer schools and colleges remain closed for hot weather. Many fruits like mango, jackfruit, lichi etc. are brought forth in this season. Flowers like jasmine, krishnachura bloom in this season. Festivals like Basanti Puja, Chaitra Sankranti, Rabindra nad Najrul Jayanti etc. are held during the season. Summer brings diseases like cholera, sunstroke, pox etc.

Trees are the great creation of nature. They offer their aesthetic beauty. They majestic beauty soothes us. They, with their fruits and flowers beautify the surroundings. Thus, they are a source of joy forever. Trees are home to diverse living things—from tiny creatures to ferocious animals. But trees are real friends of mankind. They are usually bounteous with their gifts. But, there is greed of man. Valuable trees are being destroyed by greedy timber merchants. There is also steady march of urbanization. Thus, it is apprehended that some countries of the world will have no forests within a few years. But only laws to protect the trees are not enough. Movements are needed to establish such laws.

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